about the author

My Mission

My desire is to see disciples of Christ grow into mature believers. It is literally a daily decision to follow Christ.  The world and Satan are determined to put many obstacles into the path of new believers. We need daily guidance to keep us on the path for God.  We need encouragement to help stay on course.  We need strength for our journey.  My desire is that within the pages of my books you might find uplifting words to help you move forward in your walk with Christ.  God’s desire for you is that you become more like the Lord Jesus Christ.  It’s not easy, but day by day, as you read God’s Word and pray, the resemblance will start to shine through in your life.  I pray that my writings might direct you to exactly what you need for your journey from the Bible.  May God richly bless your life today and forever.  Lamentations 3:23, “It is of the Lord‘s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

Personal Testimony

I consider myself fortunate to have grown up in the foothills region of North Carolina.  I loved exploring the fields and forests as a boy growing up in this rural area. It was almost heaven on earth having hundreds of acres of land to explore.  My paradise was complete with a small bridge down our dirt road that crossed Outz Creek. We spent many summers playing in and around that creek. We were fortunate to have a single nearby family that had five children. I had three brothers, so with the neighbor kids, we made quite the crew when we joined together to explore the countryside.  I grew up in a home that didn’t attend church.  I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend a local church through their church bus ministry outreach.  I heard the Gospel of Christ preached and realized I was a lost sinner in need of a Saviour.  I gave my heart to Christ by faith and became a child of God at the age of twelve.  It was the best decision that I’ve ever made.  I was a lost sinner headed for hell and God gave me the gift of eternal life through faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross at Calvary.  I attended church off and on up through my high school years. I entered the military and during my time there I drifted away from God.  I spent ten years of my life on the run from God, unwilling to get my life right with him. God used some dire circumstances in my life to bring me back to Him.  When I came back to God at the age of 27 it was a turning point in my life.  I became actively involved in church ministry and God began opening door after door of service for me. I had the wonderful opportunity of attending Piedmont Bible College in Winston Salem, N.C. and learning more about God and the Bible.  I’ve taught the Bible now for almost three decades.  God has given me the opportunity to serve in many different ministries over the years.  God laid it on my heart to begin to write and share some of the things I’ve learned and taught over these many years, so that they might be a blessing in the lives of other believers.

What I Believe about the Bible!

It is my firm belief that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God that has been preserved down through the ages for us. It is literally a God-breathed book.  God gave it to holy men of God by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and they penned it down.  I believe the Bible is perfect from the first, “In the beginning” to the last “Amen.”  I believe the Bible contains everything we need to live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to God.  It’s our manual for life.  It has the solution to every problem that we will ever face.  All we have to do is search out the answer in the Bible.

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